Все это,
без сомнения,
но все это надо
В. Соллогуб.


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     The town is quiet and business-like. «The Vyatskaya Nezabudka» wrote in 1876, «One of the peculiarities of Slo-bodskoy is a plenty of trade institutions, in addition to two huge arcades many shops are arranged in private houses as well, especially in the Glazovskaya street - our Nevsky Prospekt, thus in the town itself and its sloboda Demyanka there are up to 170 big stores and shops, not to mention the trifling retail outlets available almost at every cross­roads... In general it is a quiet and busi­ness-like town with very little developed public life, with patriarchal customs and without any pretensions to them».
     Today Slobodskoy looks as quiet and business-like as before. The town with old merchant traditions. Rich in handi­crafts, talents, knowledge, liking for hard work and experience. The town remain­ing today as significantly staid, provin­cial, reserved in expressing emotions as before. The town which has accumulat­ed enormous spiritual values.
Town the toiler and town the trader. Being in the XVIII-XIX centuries a mer­chants' capital of the Vyatka Region in its own way, Slobodskoy digressed to the background gradually in the XX century. However, it hasn' t lost its charm because of this. Each stone here breathes histo­ry, each house is surrounded with a leg­end.
    Lefs go out into the square where the time has connected several centu­ries together. Lets go along these quiet streets, look into these windows, stand for a while on the porch of Anfilatov's bank, admire the beauty of St.Catherine's temple, bow to a miracle-working icon.
     Describing his meeting with Slobodskoy during his service in the army, jour­nalist and student of local lore, history and economy V.A. Grechukhin from the Myshkin town of the Yaroslavl Region ad­mires: «At first it simply suppressed me with the ancient richness ofthe Anfilatov's street, the cold powerful rise of a huge cathedral bell-tower, the stone lace of the Catherine's church. Well, Slobodskoy, you are a richman and that's that! But then, the second grant leave of absence threw light on and mollified my soul with the pic­tures of whole streets with wooden, dif­ferent, painted houses. Since then and easily (and I think correctly) I understood that Slobodskoy was a very arts town, quite a big part of it was like an alive picture of old years of the nineteenth century». And some more: «And I still remember the smell of Slobodskoy. Satiated with food, lan­guid, swe-e-et! There was a smell of spice cakes in Slobodskoy!»
Inhabitants of Slobodskoy are not willing to open their hearts to anybody, they suppress emotions as it is usual in the North. They keep their town cautious­ly, take care of it and love tenderly these small old houses, their native land, from which Russia begins. Here is how T. Murina has written about this:
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© Copyright  2005-2006. Все права защищены. г.Слободской,Кировская область. Библиотека им А.Грина.  


Saint Catherines Cathedral



Olga Rozanova


 Church in the name of the Holy Trinity
 The church in the name of the God's Mother
«In Sorrow and Grief is Consolation»


The Saviour-Transfiguration Church
















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